Marine Insurance Evaluation Surveys in West Palm Beach

Many people and even new boat owners do not realize that you are required in Florida to insure your watercraft vessel, it is a state requirement just like insuring your vehicle on roadways. This protects you, your vessel and other’ property. The biggest difference between insuring your vehicle and your watercraft is that the insurance companies for watercraft vessels require a marine insurance evaluation survey. This must be completed by a vessel evaluation inspector. Until this evaluation survey is completed you cannot secure the required insurance for your vessel in West Palm Beach. Simex International Marine Surveyors will relieve all the stress of getting this completed.

Marine Consultants in Palm Beach County

Most seasoned mariners know that it is of the utmost importance to have a trusted and knowledgeable marine surveyor on which they can rely. Those new to boating tend to believe that they can watch a few YouTube videos and read a couple of webpages about boating and they will be experts on the subject. Unfortunately for them, that miniscule amount of information can prove to be incredibly dangerous and expensive in the long run. You wouldn’t believe the number of people who go out in search of their first boats, and turn over their hard-earned money without having the boat evaluated by a professional marine vessel surveyor. Nine times out of ten, the person has simply thrown his money out the window. The issues with the boat they got a “great deal” on, more often than not will cost far more than the value of the vessel. All of this headache could have been avoided by contacting an inspector for the boat. Simex Marine Surveyors offers professional consultants for inspections before you buy a boat in Palm Beach County.

Family Yacht Consultants in Boca Raton

Most of the families who live in the Palm Beach County area either have boats, or are saving as much as they can to make their first vessel purchase. It seems that each time a vessel owner decides to by a new boat, they constantly get larger and larger vessels. Once you find something that you love to do, you always want bigger and better equipment, and the same holds true with boating. Eventually, the avid mariner will work himself up to a yacht. As you probably know, every vessel is different. It would surely be beneficial for the lucky family to take part in training sessions with qualified yacht instructors. The training classes will help everyone learn how to safely operate the vessel, as well as all of its systems. This is very important for everyone’s safety. Simex Marine Surveyors offers classes with highly skilled boating consultants in Boca Raton.

Marine Surveyors in Broward County

It is the dream of many people who live in beautiful Broward County to one day be able to buy his or her own boat. Owning a vessel in South Florida makes sense because you can simply take it out on the weekends and enjoy a bit of a mini-vacation whenever you have time off from work. Boats are also a wonderful way to bond with the family, and enjoy each other’s company without lots of distractions. Besides, boating and fishing are fun for people of all ages! Many people save for a good while so they can buy a boat, but they have no idea of the intricacies involved with vessel ownership. A lot assume that if it looks nice and seems to run well that it’s all good. Nothing can be further from the truth. A pre-purchase vessel inspection will make you aware of any underlying issues. It can save you a boatload of troubles. Simex Marine Surveyors offers complete marine inspection services in Broward County.