Accredited Yacht Surveyors in Fort Lauderdale

The importance of having an accredited marine surveyor nearby simply cannot be overstated. Most yacht owners find having one that they can trust and call on anytime they need some kind of marine assistance invaluable. Unfortunately, all too many novice boat owners fail to see the value in such services, and wind up shooting themselves in the foot financially. They’ll find a vessel advertised online, feel the urge, and shell out their hard-earned cash without even consider having someone evaluate it for them. This is the most common mistake that turns a lot of people away from the boating world. It’s a shame because a simple yacht pre-purchase evaluation could have saved them a ton of money, and even more headaches. Such an evaluation is akin to having an auto shop check out a used car before making the purchase. It is extremely important for both vessels and vehicles. The professionals at Simex Marine Surveyors are completely accredited yacht surveyors in South Florida.

Vessel Evaluation Surveyors in Palm Beach County

There are so many things that those who are interested in purchasing their first vessel are completely oblivious about, that it’s enough to make your head spin. They make so many mistakes because they just don’t take the time to educate themselves about buying and owning a boat. Oftentimes, owning a boat has been a dream, and all of a sudden, they see one with a For Sale sign, and make a spur of the moment purchase. This is the absolute worst thing you can do. It is so very important that the vessel be thoroughly inspected by a professional marine surveying company. They will be able to inspect the boat, evaluate all of the systems, and provide you with a detailed report about it. This will give the potential buyer a head up as to what is wrong with the boat, what may be going wrong in the near future, as well as be a useful bargaining tool for negotiating a fair price. It can prevent you from buying a boat that will cause you to be throwing good money after bad. Simex Marine Surveyors offer pre-purchase evaluation surveys throughout South Florida.

Fort Lauderdale Marine Damage Surveys

For the vast majority of boat owners, their vessels are no less than children in their hearts and minds. We all have (what others call strange) attachments to our vessels. This is certainly not outside of the norm when it comes to boat ownership. You are part of a very large group that spans across the globe. When your vessel is damaged in one way or another it, it can truly be a problematic thing. Handling everything with the insurance company and marine repair facility can be super stressful, and confusing at times. The one thing you should know is that you will be required by your insurance company to have a professional marine surveyor perform a marine damage survey. There is no way around it. It’s no different from having the car insurance adjuster evaluating the damages that your vehicle sustained in an accident. It’s the way things work with insurance. Simex Marine Surveyors provides in-depth surveys for damage to vessels in Fort Lauderdale and throughout SE Florida.

Marine Insurance Evaluation Surveys in Boca Raton

Those who have owned watercrafts before, understand the intricacies involved with obtaining the proper insurance coverage for their vessels however; newcomers to the boat world are usually oblivious to how the marine insurance company world works. Unfortunately, once their blinders are removed and they become educated about the requirements, most of them are utterly baffled. They generally think vessel insurance is like car insurance; you pick up the phone, give them a VIN number and poof, you’re insured. They’re flabbergasted when they find out they need an insurance evaluation done by a marine surveyor. This is why it is important to do the research before you jump feet first into owning your own vessel. A marine insurance survey is an in-depth evaluation of the vessel and all of its systems. The insurance company needs this to gauge the value of the boat, and how much it insurance they are willing to provide. Simex Marine Surveyors offers comprehensive marine insurance evaluations throughout Palm Beach County.