Marine Financial Evaluation Surveys in Fort Lauderdale

There are a host of reasons for a boat owner to hire a boat evaluation inspector to perform complete marine financial evaluation surveys on his vessel. Most of which are the result of unfortunate circumstances, such as financial distress, divorce or for settling the estate of a deceased loved one. Regardless of the need for marine financial evaluation surveys in Fort Lauderdale, it is of the utmost importance that an experienced vessel evaluation surveyor handles the job. Getting a realistic marine evaluation survey is important to understanding the value of the property. Otherwise, the marine surveyor could either overinflate or underrate the true value of the vessel. This is never a good thing. The professional vessel evaluation inspectors at Simex International – Marine Surveyors in Fort Lauderdale provide boat owners with honest marine surveys in Fort Lauderdale and the surrounding areas.

Marine Insurance Evaluation Surveys in Fort Lauderdale

Few people in Fort Lauderdale who are new to the world of vessel ownership understand the intricacies involved with obtaining and maintaining proper insurance coverage on their marine crafts. Most assume that it would be similar to getting insurance for their cars however; nothing is further from the truth. Extensive marine surveys need to be completed by a vessel evaluation inspector for any marine insurance company to insure a boat. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that all vehicles that run on land or in the water must be insured in the State of Florida. It’s the law of the land, and it protects the boat owner as well. There are many requirements that an insurance company expects the Fort Lauderdale owner of a vessel to comply with, including a mandatory marine insurance survey. When you need marine consultants in Fort Lauderdale, it would be wise to contact the most widely sought after vessel insurance inspectors in the area, Simex International – Marine Surveyors in Fort Lauderdale.

Looking into buying a boat? We offer Pre-Purchase surveys, and check the condition of your existing yachts.

  • A Pre-Purchase, or Condition and Value Survey, is a complete inspection of the vessel in the water, out of the water, and during a sea trial. It is used to inform the buyer of possible repairs or missing equipment on a vessel prior to its purchase. It also offers a fair market value on the vessel and is usually required to obtain insurance or financing.

An impartial critical examination of a yacht to ascertain facts regarding its condition and to arrive at a reasonable approximation as to its Fair Market Value using the well recognized standards enumerated by the USCG, ABYC, NFPA, SOLAS, ISO and others.

Long Distance Yacht Delivery

The decision to move a private yacht, power or sail, across the vast oceans on its own bottom, is only arrived at after much thought provoking examination of the options. Whatever the course, the decision to move the vessel is usually predicated on the de-placement being long term – that is the yacht being 2 or 3 years away from home waters, or possibly being offered for sale at the end of cruising.

Availability of alternative options & differing routes will be considered. Timing & efficiency of achieving the objectives will be figured. In many cases the decision to move a vessel on its own bottom is the only rational solution. In many cases the owner’s own affairs will preclude his ability - & often his desire – to be present for any, or all, of the voyage.