Marine Insurance Evaluation Surveys in Boca Raton

Those who have owned watercrafts before, understand the intricacies involved with obtaining the proper insurance coverage for their vessels however; newcomers to the boat world are usually oblivious to how the marine insurance company world works. Unfortunately, once their blinders are removed and they become educated about the requirements, most of them are utterly baffled. They generally think vessel insurance is like car insurance; you pick up the phone, give them a VIN number and poof, you’re insured. They’re flabbergasted when they find out they need an insurance evaluation done by a marine surveyor. This is why it is important to do the research before you jump feet first into owning your own vessel. A marine insurance survey is an in-depth evaluation of the vessel and all of its systems. The insurance company needs this to gauge the value of the boat, and how much it insurance they are willing to provide. Simex Marine Surveyors offers comprehensive marine insurance evaluations throughout Palm Beach County.

Palm Beach County Marine Insurance Claims Evaluations

Anytime there is some sort of damage to your vessel, your insurance company will require you to have a certified marine survey company perform a damages survey. This evaluation will help the insurance carrier to understand the complexity of the damages, and what it will take to get the boat back into the same condition it was prior to the incident. This survey protects both you and your insurer, so having the best is the key to having your boat fixed properly. Simex Marine Surveyors is the “go to” source for many seasoned mariners in need of insurance damage evaluations.

South Florida Marine Surveyors for Family Boats Training

Learning to use all of the systems of your new boat properly can seem like a daunting task, especially for someone that is relatively new to the world of boating. Considering you will be bringing your loved ones and dear friends out on the water, it makes sense to ask for help from professionals in the industry so that you can learn how to safely handle your vessel. Simex Marine Surveyors offers comprehensive family boat training classes that will teach you how to keep your loved ones and your boat safe on the water.

Complete Marine Surveyors Services

Simex Marine Surveyors provides complete marine consultant services in Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale and Miami. The surveyors are experts in the industry, and will assist you in any way they can. Call 954-854-8181 to schedule a marine insurance evaluation survey to ensure your claim is handled quickly.