MS Tûranor PlanetSolar first completely solar powered ship to circumnavigate the world

The trip began in September 2010 when the MS Tûranor PlanetSolar left Monocco to sail around the world only using solar power. Nineteen months later she has crossed the Atlantic and Pacific, traversing both the Panama and Suez canals, and navigating the treachorous waters of the Gulf of Aden, to complete its journey.

Hurricane season and the Mariners 1-2-3 rule

From Paul Squire a Marine Surveyor

Today is the first official day of the Atlantic Basin Hurricane Season and we have already experienced 2 named tropical storms. Any marine surveyor in Florida is getting pretty busy as people are preparing their boats for what could possibly be an intense hurricane season. This may be a good time to review the Mariners 1-2-3 Rule. There some that are saying that we should even revise this rule to reflect the improvements in storm tracking predictions. This rule was established in in the 1970′s and uses weather prediction models from the 1990′s.

From a Marine Surveyor: Preparing your Boat for Hurricane Season

From Paul Squire a Marine Surveyor

We are now in week 2 of the Atlantic Basin Hurricane Season. Marine surveyors in South Florida know that being prepared and having a plan is much better then filing insurance claims after a storm. There are a few things you can do to prepare that will go a long way towards saving your vessel during a storm. A plan and a little work can also save you many headaches after the storm.

The first thing you will want to do is take an inventory of your boat. This will include all of the equipment stowed on the boat. It is recommended that you take a video inventory and keep it in a safe place.

From a Marine Surveyor: Keeping your boat at a dock during a hurricane

Day 11 of the Atlantic Basin Hurricane Season.

Marine surveyors in South Florida are busy helping boat owners get ready in case a storm comes barreling through Fort Lauderdale or anywhere else in Florida. Many boat owners are faced with the tough decision about where to store their vessels. This is determined by the size of your boat and the options available to you.

If you are not sure of your choices then you may want to contact a qualified marine surveyor to advise you. A marine surveyor can give you specific advice that pertains to your unique situation.