Atlantic to Pacific Ocean Route Yacht Delivery

There are plenty of yacht owners who firmly believe that they can easily take the helm of their vessels and make their way from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean by way of the famous Panama Canal. While it definitely sounds like it would be an incredible adventure and experience to do so, many mariners find it difficult to maneuver their large vessels through the narrow locks. In all reality, the locks are only a little bit wider that one hundred feet across. This could certainly pose a major league problem for the average boater. It can truly be quite daunting however; a professional Captain could handily take on this task without issue. All of the YouTube videos and Yachting magazine articles in the world cannot make up for lack of experience with a vessel. It is absolutely essential that an expert Captain handle the trip from coast to coast for you. Of course, you certainly could stay aboard the vessel during the transoceanic trip. Simex Marine Surveyors provides complete yacht delivery services from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coast.

Foreign Vessel Evaluation Inspections in Fort Lauderdale

When a vessel is purchased from a company or individual outside of the United States, it is mandatory that a marine evaluation inspection take place for your banking institution and/or insurance company. It makes perfect sense, as they need to know exactly what the yacht is valued at before they can viably finance it or insure it. Let’s face it; many a person will gladly overpay for a vessel just because they believe it is the perfect fit for their family or their needs. That’s definitely not a good way to start off your boat ownership. Being upside down on a purchase just isn’t a good look for anyone. Simex Marine Surveyors offers complete evaluation inspections for foreign vessels in Fort Lauderdale.

Yacht Delivery for the Atlantic to Pacific Route

First time vessel owners should always enlist the services of an experienced Captain for voyages from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. This is not something that a new boat owner should even consider undertaking without a professional. It can be way too dangerous, and could put your vessel, family and many others in jeopardy. Safety should always be the number one consideration when on the yacht. Simex Marine Surveyors provides decades of professional experience when you need assistance relocating your boat.

Fort Lauderdale Evaluation Inspections

The professionals at Simex Marine Surveyors offer a plethora of marine services including Panama Canal route vessel delivery, SE Florida inland route vessel delivery, foreign vessel evaluations, and marine damage surveys in Fort Lauderdale. Call 954-854-8181 to schedule Atlantic Ocean to Pacific Ocean route vessel delivery.